
1月14日(木)は邦画上映会! 今回はアイダホで初めて『南極料理人』(2009)を上映します。原作は、ある時いきなり南極観測隊のメンバーになってしまった料理人、西村淳のエッセイ。舞台は世界で最も過酷な極寒の地ですが、おいしい料理と人間ドラマ、愛と笑いに満ちた心温まる映画です(家族向け、英語字幕付)。

The Dojo

At the dojo in Meridian we teach Shoshin Ryu, a system of martial arts that promotes self improvement through self defense. Students learn a practical skill-set that can help them defend themselves in any situation, and gain confidence, self awareness and improved character and discipline through their training. We offer 続きを読む…

投稿者:idahopotatoclub 投稿日時:

Sangha Taiko

Sangha Taiko : We are Sangha Taiko, a Japanese drumming group sponsored by the Idaho Oregon Buddhist Temple in Ontario, Oregon. We preform throughout the Treasure Valley and adjoining communities in an effort to educate, unify and entertain through our music. We perform for private parties, corporate events, schools and 続きを読む…

投稿者:idahopotatoclub 投稿日時: